Angier Dentist

Hamby Family Dental Center offers comprehensive and professional dental services to residents of Angier, NC.

See Hamby Family Dental Center for Your Family’s Oral Health

If you live in the Angier area, come see our team at Hamby Family Dental Center in Fuquay Varina for your dental needs. We are conveniently located just a short 16-minute drive from Angier. Many of our patients come from Angier for our expertise and care. 

We focus on the patient first in our dental practice. Each time you come, you always see the same experienced professional for services. In this way, they get to know you and your dental/medical history. Our caring and compassionate dentists and staff are always concerned about your experience. Fixing your dental issues is our number one priority, as is your comfort. 

Drive from Angier for your entire family’s oral health. Dr. Hamby, Dr. Loeffler, and the entire team always go above and beyond to ensure your visit is relaxing and pleasant.

Dentists You Can Trust Near Angier

At Hamby Family Dental, we understand how important it is for you and your family to trust a dental team to give you the professional services you need. It is our daily focus and top priority to provide the quality of care you deserve and need. As an Angier resident, you will find that our dental professionals listen and respond to your needs. Our knowledgeable and professional team can effectively diagnose and treat your needs. We work to inform our patients on the best ways to maintain their dental health effectively and make improvements where possible.

Certified Dental Hygienists

Our professional staff of dental hygienists are board- and CPR-certified for any situation. We are diligent in staying current with the latest in dental technology by attending classes regarding patient health and well-being. Our commitment is to provide the most comfortable and safe procedures in dentistry.

Dental Services

You benefit from a complete offering of services at our office, including:

Teeth Cleaning services in Angier

Teeth Cleaning

From the initial visit to our office, you experience a comprehensive exam to assess your oral health–diagnosing any issues and creating a treatment plan. In addition to a thorough dental cleaning, we also screen for oral cancer, evaluate gum disease, check for cavities and tooth decay, and examine existing restorations.

Crowns & Bridges

Our dentists at Hamby Family Dental Center can fit you with custom-made dental bridges to replace a section of missing teeth, restore a natural-looking contour, and maintain your proper bite.  

Dentures & Specialty Dentures

We can work with you to determine which type of dentures is the right type for you. We offer complete dentures, partial dentures, overdentures, and custom-designed dentures.

Cosmetic Dentistry in Angier

Cosmetic Dentistry

Hamby Family Dental Center offers a wide variety of cosmetic dental services to improve the appearance of your teeth, including teeth whitening, crowns, bonding, veneers, tooth contouring, and gum contouring.


A dental implant is a good way to replace a missing tooth because it imitates the functionality and appearance of a normal tooth. Dental implants have titanium posts that serve as the tooth root and a porcelain crown that replicates the tooth. Missing teeth cause many problems such as bone loss, tooth movement, changing the bite, difficulty chewing, problems with the jaw joint, and more stress on remaining teeth.


We use veneers to improve the smiles of people with stained, crooked, or chipped teeth. It is a relatively painless procedure where we place thin pieces of porcelain or plastic over the front of your teeth to alter the color and shape.

Pediatric Dentistry

Children have different dental needs from adults. We are committed to providing top-quality dental care to the children of the Kennebec area. We understand how your child can be fearful of visiting the dentist and uncomfortable coming in for their checkup. That’s why our dental team makes it a fun experience every time a child comes to our office.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is an easy way to improve your smile and make you look younger. In no time at all, we can restore your bright, white smile along with your confidence.


Getting a dental sealant can go a long way in protecting teeth that are hard to reach with your toothbrush. Typically, we apply a sealant to the back molars and premolars where you do most of your chewing. Placing a sealant over these teeth can prevent decay.

Root Canal

Without a root canal, when needed, your tooth can continue to be painful from decay and infection. A root canal isn’t something that you look forward to getting. We know this, so our dentists take extra care of your comfort when we are performing a root canal. 

Scaling and root planing in Angier

Scaling & Root Planing

Scaling and root planing are ways to address periodontitis that has created pockets within your gum and bone that get more and more infected. The procedure scrapes away built-up plaque and tartar along the gum line and below the gum line, straightening the root surfaces so they can reattach to the gums and close the pockets that have formed.

Teeth Grinding/Clenching (Bruxism)

Bruxism is the clinical term for grinding or clenching your teeth. It is a common sleep disorder but can also happen during the day. The long-term effects can be TMJ, nerve damage, or cracked teeth. Our dental team can check for signs that you are grinding your teeth and recommend a night guard or, for more extreme cases, cosmetic surgery to reverse the effects of your grinding or clenching.

Emergency Dentist Services

A dental emergency can happen at any time when you are least expecting it. Sudden pain, injury to a tooth, or an accident can cause you to need an emergency dentist immediately. You can trust our team to provide the solution you need to ease your pain fast.

Schedule an Appointment with Hamby Family Dental Center Today

If you live in Angier or the surrounding areas, contact us to ensure you maintain proper oral health. We are accepting new patients and work diligently to accommodate your schedule. Don’t delay taking care of something that may progress into a bigger problem. We look forward to serving you and your family. Call us at (919) 552-2431 or fill out our easy-to-use appointment request form.

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Beautiful smiles starts here. Call 919-552-2431 or request an appointment